october, 2020

Event Details
St. Magdalen de Pazzi Church Trunk or Treat October 25, 2020 Weather Permitting 3:00pm to 5:00pm If you plan
Event Details
St. Magdalen de Pazzi Church
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat
October 25, 2020 Weather Permitting
3:00pm to 5:00pm
3:00pm to 5:00pm
If you plan on decorating a vehilcle:
– Register in advance by contacting Mike: m2574a@yahoo.com or Lou: louc74@aol.com
-All decorated vehicles will park in side lot by gymnasium
-The knights will direct you where to park upon arrival
-Plan to arrive betweem 1:30 and 2:20 – No cars will be permitted to park after 2:30
-Prize awarded for Best Decorated Vehilcle
– Register in advance by contacting Mike: m2574a@yahoo.com or Lou: louc74@aol.com
-All decorated vehicles will park in side lot by gymnasium
-The knights will direct you where to park upon arrival
-Plan to arrive betweem 1:30 and 2:20 – No cars will be permitted to park after 2:30
-Prize awarded for Best Decorated Vehilcle
If you plan to just to Trunk or Treat:
– Those not decorating a vehicle are asked to bring 2 bags of unopened candy. Please give to one of the Knights upon arrival.
-Trunk or treat beins at 3pm to 5pm
– Those not decorating a vehicle are asked to bring 2 bags of unopened candy. Please give to one of the Knights upon arrival.
-Trunk or treat beins at 3pm to 5pm
Vehicle decorators and tunk ot treaters will need to wear a face mask at all times. All participants will be asked to maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet apart between families. Participants handing out candy must wear gloves to be provided. We will monitor Covid 19 guidance and adjust as necessary.
For more info contact:
Mike: m2574a@yahoo.com or Lou: louc74@aol.com
Mike: m2574a@yahoo.com or Lou: louc74@aol.com
(Sunday) 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
St. Magdalen Church
105 Mine St, Flemington, New Jersey 08822