december, 2021
Traversing the Ten Crucial Days Bus Tour
Washington Crossing Historic Park
- 1112 River Rd, Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania

Event Details
Take a ride through history on the Traversing the Ten Crucial Days bus tour! You’ll spend the day retracing the December
Event Details
Take a ride through history on the Traversing the Ten Crucial Days bus tour!
You’ll spend the day retracing the December 25 crossing of the Delaware and the American and British military engagements at Trenton, Princeton and areas in-between on December 26, 1776 through January 3, 1777.
This public bus tour will be offered on December 5, December 18, and December 21 from 9 AM to 5 PM. The tour begins and ends at Washington Crossing, PA.
Historical interpreters Roger Williams and Larry Kidder will tell the remarkable story of the ten days that breathed crucial new life into the apparently expiring American Revolution. The events are discussed in the context of the local, strategically important central New Jersey towns, villages, and farms.
Cost is $125 per person and includes bus fare, lunch, and donations to Washington Crossing Historic Park, The Washington Crossing Park Association in New Jersey, The Old Barracks Museum in Trenton and the Princeton Battlefield Society.
Register today at
(Saturday) 9:00 am - 5:00 pm