may, 2019Let them Eat Cake ! Victoria Hair Couture 128 South Main St, New Hope, Pennsylvania 18938 sat18may12:00 pmsat3:00 pmLet them Eat Cake !12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Victoria Hair Couture, 128 South Main St, New Hope, Pennsylvania 18938Event Type :Festivals, Seasonal & Holiday EventsEvent Type 2:New HopeEvent DetailsDid we mention Cake ??!! :) Please join us Sat. May 18th along with our friends at Le Chateau Exotique and Empire HorseEvent DetailsDid we mention Cake ??!! 🙂 Please join us Sat. May 18th along with our friends at Le Chateau Exotique and Empire Horse & Carriage Company for the New Hope / Lambertville Pride Parade !! Time(Saturday) 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm LocationVictoria Hair Couture128 South Main St, New Hope, Pennsylvania 18938 CalendarGoogleCal