november, 2021
This is a repeating eventnovember 28, 2021 11:00 am

Event Details
Beyond the Box Store Holiday Artist and Maker Marketplace Sat & Sun Nov 27th and 28th 11 AM to 4 PM in Sunbeam Lenape Park Frenchtown, NJ
Event Details
Beyond the Box Store
Holiday Artist and Maker Marketplace
Sat & Sun Nov 27th and 28th
11 AM to 4 PM in Sunbeam Lenape Park
Frenchtown, NJ
Holiday Artist and Maker Marketplace
Sat & Sun Nov 27th and 28th
11 AM to 4 PM in Sunbeam Lenape Park
Frenchtown, NJ
Black Friday weekend in Frenchtown is going to be something special.
Our first ever Holiday Market in the park is the perfect way to complement our lovely little downtown that will be decorated and ready to welcome you.
The Market will feature local artists and makers like Lorraine Cahill, James Cahill, Laura Pointon, Nicole Strafaci, Judith Marchand and David Horowitz from Modern Fossils, Wayne and Annie Frietag, Daniel Lapidow – The Hebrew Hammer, Michelle from Way of the Butterfly, Chris Kelly of CK Pipes, Doug Miller and Paige and more…
Our first ever Holiday Market in the park is the perfect way to complement our lovely little downtown that will be decorated and ready to welcome you.
The Market will feature local artists and makers like Lorraine Cahill, James Cahill, Laura Pointon, Nicole Strafaci, Judith Marchand and David Horowitz from Modern Fossils, Wayne and Annie Frietag, Daniel Lapidow – The Hebrew Hammer, Michelle from Way of the Butterfly, Chris Kelly of CK Pipes, Doug Miller and Paige and more…
With appearances by The Frenchtown Bagpiper and Hillbilly Holiday Carols by E.V. and Gina.
In addition to the Frenchtown Tree, Menorah, North Pole Mailbox, Solstice scene and festive mule at the corner of Bridge and Harrison Street, there will be a special COMMUNITY TREE in Sunbeam Park! We invite the entire community to donate an ornament to the effort during the Holiday Market. This could be a purchased or recycled ornament or something you or your family have made just for the tree. As this is a tree that should be appropriate for all members of the community, please, keep it clean. We can wait to see this tree come together.
The North Pole Mailbox will be installed on Black Friday for anyone needing to get a letter to Santa!
(Saturday) 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunbeam Park
Bridge Street Frenchtown, NJ