may, 2021Dave's Real Country at Artie's Artie's Bar and Grill 1121 State Route 12, New Jersey sun23may4:00 pmsun7:00 pmDave's Real Country at Artie's4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Artie's Bar and Grill, 1121 State Route 12, New JerseyEvent Type :Live MusicEvent Type 2:FrenchtownEvent DetailsIf you are a traditional music lover, come on out, we aim to entertain and we are sure you will have a good time!Event DetailsIf you are a traditional music lover, come on out, we aim to entertain and we are sure you will have a good time!There is a $7 cover charge for this event. Time(Sunday) 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm LocationArtie's Bar and Grill1121 State Route 12, New Jersey Learn More CalendarGoogleCal