june, 2019

Event Details
Third Annual Paddle Battle 2019Divided by the Delaware River, two towns joined by a bridge, come together in friendly competition. The Paddle Battle Dragon boat challenge is on!This will be
Event Details
Third Annual Paddle Battle 2019
Divided by the Delaware River, two towns joined by a bridge, come together in friendly competition. The Paddle Battle Dragon boat challenge is on!
This will be a best of three races, with each race being approx 3-4 minutes in length. Dragon boats have a traditional Chinese design, typically decorated to resemble a dragon, propelled with paddles by a large crew and used for racing. They are safe and will be manned by experienced Dragon boat racers.
Welcome to the Third Annual New Hope vs Lambertville Paddle Battle Dragon Boat Race.
On June 14th (5:30 approx), Police, Firefighters, & EMT’s from both towns will come together to challenge for the coveted Dragon-Paddle Battle Trophy along with Delaware River town bragging rights.
This is a charity event – Contact us at dragon@ampyourvoice.com to make a donation or to sponsor key members of our community!
Viewing and After party at the Bucks County Playhouse’s The Deck! You can also view the races from the Free Bridge or along the river.
Mark your calendar for FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2019. The challenge… is on!
Please share with friends – local and otherwise.
Contact us at: dragon@ampyourvoice.com
The Third Anual Paddle Battle Dragon boat race is co-produced by Dragon Boat Adventures, LLC and Amplify Your Voice, social marketing for local business.
(Friday) 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Dragon Boat Adventures, LLC
New Hope, Pennsylvania 18938