Picture this: It’s a warm Thursday night. The suffocating summer heat is gradually easing as the sun sets over your shoulder. The stressors of the day feel miles away because you’re among friends now. And playing cornhole, no less. But this time is different. Normally, every toss would be met with a barrage of verbal jabs. Tonight, however, you’re practically swelling with positivity. That’s because there are real stakes.
That part bears repeating: Real. Stakes.

Imagine that, a cornhole game where the winner earns more than basic bragging rights. Welcome to the Shady Brook Farm Summer Cornhole League, friends.
Registration is open now. Before you click over, keep in mind that you’ll need to sign up as a team. So, consider your circle of friends. Then, mentally eliminate everyone who stinks at cornhole or who believes they’re great but are actually hopelessly average. Finally, try to completely disregard which of those precious few friends you genuinely enjoy being around. This is not a popularity contest.
Yes, normally, cornhole is a very social game. That’s one of the biggest lures of it. Drag out the game and watch everyone gravitate to that part of the yard, drink in hand. But there’s the potential of playoffs here. Playoffs.
Do you dare to dream what the winner of those playoffs will get? Sly Fox Brewing Company beer. More specifically, you and a teammate’s combined weight in Sly Fox beer. (Yup.)
Now that we have your full attention, here’s what you need to know. Play will begin June 2 and continue through August 18. Games are played on Thursday nights at 6 PM, 7:15 PM, and 8:30 PM. Expect them to last around an hour.
The Summer Cornhole League is actually two leagues. The Corn Captains is reserved for players who live and breathe cornhole, while the Knee Highs is more for those who only really play when they happen upon a game.
Remember what we said earlier about friends who think they’re great but are really hopelessly average? It’s to your advantage to take a good long look in the mirror and figure out if you should count yourself among their company. Overestimating your ability (and your friends’) will likely make for a painfully long summer.
Each team can have as many as six players, although only two can compete on a given night. And each league will be limited to 30 teams. The playoffs will be held August 27. A champion will be crowned for each league.
Now, what are you waiting for? Go be ruthless. There’s a massive amount of beer with your name on it waiting to be delivered on the other side of this summer.
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