Delaware River Towns Local is proud to announce our recent giveaway highlighting local talent.
We had the pleasure of catching up with Bucks County author Carter Bowman as he was set up to promote his books in river town New Hope, PA. Carter Bowman is the author of two popular thriller novels, Part Timers and Deep, Deep Ocean .

As you know, e-books have become increasingly popular, but that doesn’t stop Carter. “Even though Amazon’s marketing says you can sell a million copies online, meeting someone face-to-face, word of mouth, and doing a deep cut into someone’s community sells ten times more copies than an Amazon ad.” Marketing people-to-people has been useful for Carter, and we aren’t surprised. Local communities around the Delaware River are great places to get involved.
Carter emphasizes the importance of building a community. The surrounding Delaware River towns provide him a platform to connect with the people. A well-spoken author, it is not surprising the impact he and his books are having. Carter spoke on touring a middle school in Doylestown and getting involved with various book clubs. It was interesting when he spoke on his audience, “the biggest demographic that I hit isn’t young adults, it isn’t ‘adults’ – it’s people who love writing, people who are writers themselves.” Making a connection with your audience is key, and that is just what Carter is doing.
As times change, so do we as people. But something that won’t change is the desire to read. Carter stated emphatically, “people are still reading.”
Delaware River Town Local is excited to announce this giveaway proudly supporting local talent. Part Timers is a favorite suspense-filled novel. As described, “Joel is thrown into the world of part-timers — souls forced to repay the debt of their misspent lives by helping the more fortunate deceased to move on.” Deep, Deep Ocean is an “introspective coming-of-age story that drives between the lines where dream and reality meet.”
These books are enjoyable and dramatic reads with unexpected twists and turns. Read the first two chapters of Part Timers here.
Sign up for Delaware River Town Local’s giveaway ending September 9th. Click here to order Part Timers and click here to order Deep, Deep Ocean.