january, 2021DRAG BRUNCH at The GreenHouse GreenHouse New Hope 90 South Main Street, Pennsylvania sun24jan11:30 amsun1:00 pmDRAG BRUNCH at The GreenHouse11:30 am - 1:00 pm GreenHouse New Hope, 90 South Main Street, PennsylvaniaEvent Type :Food & BeverageEvent Type 2:New HopeEvent Details$10.00 door charge . Please call to Reserve Tables. CDC Guidelines Enforced and Followed $18.00 Brunch which includes a drink Event Details$10.00 door charge . Please call to Reserve Tables. CDC Guidelines Enforced and Followed $18.00 Brunch which includes a drink Time(Sunday) 11:30 am - 1:00 pm LocationGreenHouse New Hope90 South Main Street, Pennsylvania Learn More CalendarGoogleCal